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The Studio

Workshop of ideas
If the Massimo Motta & partners’ reality was represented as a pencil mark on white paper, those same paper and pencil that Massimo Motta uses daily to design projects, the result would be without a doubt a mesh, an extensive network of collaborations, the union of a number almost infinite of people, places, skills and inspirations.
Laboratorio di idee

Workshop of ideas

If the Massimo Motta & partners’ reality was represented as a pencil mark on white paper, those same paper and pencil that Massimo Motta uses daily to design projects, the result would be without a doubt a mesh, an extensive network of collaborations, the union of a number almost infinite of people, places, skills and inspirations.

The Planning

In the field of the activities of the studio, the planning one is the closest linked to the research of the harmony and balance to create unique environments with an unmistakable style. The objective of designing is to thrill, anticipating the clients’ needs and chaperoning them step by step to the final realization, due to a custom-made project created through the continuous dialogue and the experimentation of always new solutions, with the intent of fabricating environments where living and carrying out actions is always linked to feelings of well-being.


Looking at the field of the operational activities of the studio, the one regarding the creation of photorealistic images, videos or multimedia presentations is, without a doubt, fundamental to better define the project and to make the final beneficiary understand every single aspect and detail.


The Massimo Motta & partners makes of the interior architecture and of the renovation the design tools more pertinent for the communication of their ethic and professional values, converging in these two activities all of the training and work experiences acquired by each member of the team.

Interior design

In the field of the creative and operative activities of the Massimo Motta & partners, the one of the interior design is the most linked to the research of harmony and balance between the different factors that contribute to the finalization of the project, creating unique environments, starting with an unmistakable style: natural and artificial light, volumetric relations between different space elements, border between the inside and the outside, textures of the materials and their capacity to generate fascinating chiaroscuro effects and colors.
